Burbank Adoption Attorney
Need a Family Adoption Attorney in Los Angeles? Call Us
When you are trying to adopt a child, it can be a long and confusing process. Cutting through the legal red tape and moving forward with the legal process of adoption is crucial when trying to create a family or adopt a child that you have fostered over the years. There are several different types of adoption scenarios:
- Private Adoptions
- Adoptions in Divorce
- Adoption Agencies
- Overseas Adoptions.
Adoption law is an area that not all attorneys are thoroughly familiar with. To adopt a child, you must get an experienced Burbank adoption lawyer to assist you.
Choosing just any family adoption attorney may be a mistake. At Fusco & Clarke, our skilled adoption lawyers in California have successfully assisted individuals seeking adoptions for years. The firm is well-prepared and experienced in proceeding with your adoption case as best as possible.
Contact our Burbank adoption lawyers now at (818) 672-1562!
Do I Need to Hire a Family Adoption Attorney?
When adopting a child, you may choose an independent adoption. This is a procedure in which the birth mother looks over prospective parents and chooses the parents for her child. These adoptions can occur very quickly if the birth mother chooses you as the parent she would like for her child. In an agency adoption, the agency is in charge of choosing the parents for the child, and the birth mother relinquishes her rights to the agency.
There are other types of adoptions, but in California, most adoptions are independent. There are a variety of ways that one may write an adoption. Some birth mothers want a minor role of some sort in their child’s life, and others do not. Each case must be approached by a family law attorney individually.
Work with Our Experienced Burbank Adoption Lawyers
It has been reported that a tax credit may be possible to get for adoptions, and it would be worthwhile to investigate this with an accountant or your tax lawyer. A tax credit would certainly help offset the cost of an adoption. Whatever your situation regarding the adoption is, the legal team at Fusco & Clarke is prepared to assist you and enjoys nothing more than helping families in this beautiful activity.
Contact a Burbank adoption attorney from Fusco & Clarke today at (818) 672-1562!